I wrote this list on 1/7/10. Which was before all of my surgeries and about 9 months post UC diagnosis. This was at the time when I was living on steroids, and methotrexate. A lot has changed since then!

I have revised a few things since then because my priorities have changed. Oh and I turn 30 on November 15, 2014.

  1. Visit the Heidelberg Project (2010)
  2. Sky Dive
  3. Pay something big off (Student Loans, Car, House, ect.) (Car is paid off! July 2012)
  4. Re-visit Europe for a somewhat extended stay
  5. Adopt a family for X-mas
  6. Grow my hair for Wigs for Kids/Locks of Love/etc.
  7. Look good naked (I may not be a medical standard of fitness, but I am in the best shape of my life, thus far. And lets just say, naked doesn’t look so bad.)
  8. Run a 5k (June 2012)
  9. Figure out the whole family thing
  10. Complete a 1/2 marathon with Team Challenge Dec 2, 2012 The Las Vegas Half Marathon with Team Challenge
  11. Be present at an F1 race
  12. Be 100% financially stable and independent
  13. Stay at an ice hotel
  14. Be in the 1st row of a concert
  15. Host a dinner party
  16. Speak at a conference
  17. Set up a 401K Feb 2013
  18. Have made significant progress on at least 1 of my writing endeavors. My book, children’s book, etc. (Recently was invited to contribute to a chapter in a book due out Feb 2015)
  19. Be good at driving a stick
  20. Finish my backyard and make it presentable (90% completed in Summer 2012)
  21. Change a life – I’m not sure how to measure this.
  22. Go deep sea fishing
  23. Be a regular somewhere
  24. Learn why women like jewelry and own an expensive piece
  25. Have all of my vehicles in my own name (Completed 2012)
  26. Buy a new/different motorcycle (Completed in late 2010)
  27. See more of America: New York, California, Arizona, Texas, Oregon 🙂 (Oregon in late 2010, Texas in 2011, Cali 2014)
  28. Take an Alaskan Cruise
  29. Teach my niece basic German words and conversation
  30. Volunteer with children’s organizations (Camp Oasis!! 2010, 2011, and 2012)