I will be having a 3 step J-Pouch Procedure at the Cleveland Clinic with Dr. Remzi.

Don’t know what a Jpouch is? While I would love to say its like a kangaroo pouch and I’ll be able to carry stuff around with me instead of using a purse…this is not the case. I however, WILL be carrying around my poop. The J-Pouch is a replacement reservoir for your colon, created out of your small intestine.

Surgery #1 (Completed on March 25, 2010)

Removal of colon and rectum. Creation of the stoma. Putting Ilesotomy in place. Hookin up the newly rerouted poop chute. Learn to love the ostomy bag, and get used to staring at your small intestine poking out of your stomach.

Surgery #2 (6 months later)

Creation of actual J-Pouch out of the end of the small intestine. Nothing really new here on the outside. Just a refill of your pain killer of choice.

Surgery # 3 a.k.a Take Down (3 months later)

Closing the stoma. Peace out to the bag. Hooking up the new improved and hopefully healed poop chute.